Terms Beginning with "F"
fastener: a bracket or weld that attaches a fixed ladder to a structure.
fenestration: products with glass and non-glass glazing materials, including skylights, roof windows, vertical windows, opaque doors, glazed doors and glazed block.
fire apparatus access road: a road, fire lane, public street, private street, or parking lot lane that provides access from a fire station to a facility.
fire code official: the fire chief or other authority charged with the enforcement of a code.
fire department master key: a special key carried by fire department officials which will open key boxes on commercial properties.
fire-resistance rating: the time that materials or assemblies can withstand fire exposure.
fireplace lintel: a horizontal, non-combustible member that spans the top of the fireplace opening.
firewall: a wall separating buildings or subdividing a building to prevent the spread of fire.
fishmouth: A term used to describe a defective seam lap opening that is shaped like a half cylinder.
fixed ladder: a ladder that is permanently attached to a building or structure and is used to climb up and down.
flange: The projecting edge on a component.
flashing: A pre-shaped or molded low-slope roof accessory that is used to terminate the membrane at the roof’s perimeter and at roof penetrations to prevent rainwater/moisture leakage into the structure.
flat-plate structural system: A one-way or two-way cast-in-place concrete roof and floor structural system that uses slabs of uniform thickness.
flat-slab structural system: A one-way cast-in-place concrete roof and floor structural system that uses slabs of uniform thickness, with additional depth at columns.
flood coat: A layer of bitumen that serves as the surfacing substrate in a BUR system.
flood-level rim: the edge of a fixture from which water overflows.
floor area, gross: the floor area within the inside perimeter of the exterior walls.
floor area, net: the actual occupied area not including accessory areas, such as corridors, stairways, restrooms, mechanical rooms and closets.
flue: a passage through which gases move from the fire chamber to the outer air.
footings: Wide pours of cement reinforced with rebar (reinforcing bar) that support foundation walls, pillars and posts. Footings are part of the foundation and are typically poured before the foundation walls.
form: A temporary structure erected to contain concrete during placing and initial hardening; also referred to as formwork.
foundation: the base upon which the structure or wall rests (usually masonry, concrete or stone), and generally partially underground.
framing: The structural wood and/or metal elements of most properties. The floor and ceiling framing is called the joist work. Wall framing is usually made of 2x4 or 2x6 studs. See also rafters, posts, and beams.
fully adhered: A term used to describe a membrane that is glued to the substrate without penetrating the membrane.
function: the action for which an item, component or system is specially fitted or used, or for which an item, component or system exists; to be in action or perform a task.
functional: performing, or able to perform, a function.
functional drainage: the emptying of a plumbing fixture in a reasonable amount of time without overflow when another fixture is drained simultaneously.
functional flow: a reasonable flow of water supply at the highest and farthest fixture from the building main when another fixture is operated simultaneously.
further evaluation: a degree of examination beyond that of a typical and customary, non-intrusive physical examination.
fusible link: a form of fixed-temperature heat-detecting device sometimes used to restrain the operation of an electrical or mechanical control until a certain temperature is reached, usually signifying a fire.