Where can I order an ID card?
How many locations can I list my business under in the CCPIA Directory?
Members are permitted up to three locations. Visit the Directory Listing Info tab on your Account Dashboard to update your listing’s information and location.
Question Category: Operations/Sales and MarketingHow do I get a listing in CCPIA’s Directory?
You will be automatically listed once the membership requirements are met. Learn more here:
Question Category: Operations/Sales and Marketing
Do I need a seperate company for my commercial inspection services?
It’s up to you. Some inspectors add their commercial services to an existing company, while others prefer to keep it separate. Each approach has pros and cons, which are reviewed in the following article.
Getting Started as a Commercial Inspector: Determining Your Business Structure
NOTE: The main drawback to starting a separate business is its effect on the workload (i.e., financials and website maintenance), start-up costs (branding, marketing material, website, etc.), and internet marketing. The last-mentioned concern is for Google My Business which only allows one business listing under a single address unless the businesses are under unrelated business categories (i.e., inspections and clothing alterations).
Question Category: Operations/Sales and MarketingWhere can I get pre-printed marketing material for my business?
Visit Inspector Outlet. CCPIA has a Commercial Property Inspector Marketing Set which is the most straightforward way to market your services with pre-printed material.
Question Category: Operations/Sales and MarketingWhere can I find articles about inspections to share with my clients?
For articles and checklists to help advertise your services and help clients prepare for inspections, visit: Buyer and Seller Resources Library
Question Category: Operations/Sales and MarketingHow do I start landing jobs?
The first step is informing others that you offer commercial property inspection services. Residential inspectors or those in related fields should tell their existing client base of their new commercial inspection offerings. Next, create an online presence and make sure you have a listing in CCPIA’s directory. CCPIA recommends FastSite4U for affordable website services.
Question Category: Operations/Sales and Marketing