CCPIA’s allows members to add up to three business listing locations in its directory. The CCPIA Commercial Property Inspectors Directory allows consumers and commercial real estate professionals to find qualified inspectors in their area for their commercial inspection projects.
Members can enable and manage their directory listings from their My Account dashboard under the Directory Listing Info tab. Members can update their contact information, business listing locations, and disable their listings at any time. Changes made on the dashboard take effect instantly in the directory.
CCPIA Member Dashboard
The directory searches a 200-mile radius and sorts the results in order of the closest inspectors. The new feature benefits inspectors and companies with an extensive service area and more than one branch. It also allows members to set different contact information for their directory listings and personal account details. Inspectors can list their office’s contact information in the directory, and list their personal contact details in their account profile in order to be contacted by CCPIA about their account, coursework, or any membership issues.
CCPIA’s article titled Getting Started as a Commercial Inspector: Defining Your Service Area may help members determine their appropriate directory listing locations.
This feature is only available to CCPIA members in good standing. The required coursework must be completed in order to be listed.