RS Means, brought to you by Gordian, provides accurate and up-to-date reference materials for construction standards, building maintenance schedules, and repair/replacement cost estimating data for different types of commercial buildings including light commercial, heavy commercial, and multi-family housing. Various products that might be of interest to commercial property inspectors include:
- Cost Planning and Estimating for Facilities Maintenance Book
- Life Cycle Costing for Facilities Book
- Preventative Maintenance for Multi-Family Housing Book
- Residential and Light Commercial Construction Standards Book
- Mechanical Estimating Methods Book
- Commercial Renovation Costs Book
- Square Foot Cost Book
- Facilities Operations & Engineering Reference Book
These resources may be used to aid in providing repair/replacement cost estimates or for reserve studies. The discount provided will be based on your purchase and the territory you’re located in. Please email [email protected] the state you’re located in and we will connect you to the right agent.