Hospitality real estate inspections are performed for hotels, motels, resorts, and convention centers for a variety of clientele, real estate transactions, and as part of a standard maintenance and repair strategy.
Commercial inspectors recognize that hospitality real estate is dynamic. Such a property hosts and serves guests and its workforce 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Its operations are also complex, and may include the following features and support spaces:
- guest rooms and suites;
- banquet facilities;
- conference and meeting rooms;
- exhibition halls;
- public lobbies;
- in-room kitchenettes;
- shared office spaces;
- retail shops;
- pools and spas;
- workout facilities;
- laundry rooms;
- public restrooms;
- vending areas;
- commercial kitchens;
- loading docks;
- parking lots and garages;
- landscaped grounds; and
- outdoor recreational areas.
The high-traffic usage and subsequent wear and tear that hospitality real estate undergoes make having the physical condition of the property assessed by a commercial inspector especially important from both a financial standpoint and a safety perspective. When areas of the facility are vacant for one reason or another, or components fail and fall out of commission, they become a financial liability and lead to accelerated depreciation. The commercial inspection helps prevent those costly scenarios.
About the Commercial Property Inspection
The commercial property inspector will comply with the International Standards of Practice for Inspecting Commercial Properties (ComSOP). The ComSOP is the industry-accepted commercial inspection guideline. It’s a proven process and system.
The commercial inspection is a thorough visual examination of the condition of a property. It provides the client with an inventory of the building’s major systems and components and an assessment of their physical and functional condition. These findings will highlight the property’s strengths and potential deficiencies related to:
- normal wear and tear;
- poor workmanship of original installation, repairs and/or upgrades;
- inadequate design for use or occupancy;
- deferred maintenance;
- environmental impact or damage;
- outdated systems or components; and
- systems near the end of their service life.
The commercial inspection will help the client make certain that his/her property performs optimally and, therefore, profitably. Commercial inspectors understand the complexity of hospitality real estate and can customize the scope of work of the inspection to provide the client with the most updated information and the best service.
Schedule a Commercial Property Inspection
The commercial inspection may be conducted for the entire grounds, or for a specific system (the HVAC, plumbing, roof, etc.), or for a particular feature or support space, such as guest rooms and suites, the building’s exterior, communal spaces, etc.
Every commercial property inspection project is different. A prospective client should contact a member of the Certified Commercial Property Inspectors Association to discuss the specific needs for their project, and they can learn more about what to expect and how to prepare for a commercial property inspection.
A commercial property inspection will pay for itself many, many times over. It’s crucial when assessing the strength and return on investment of a capital asset.