General Guideline
1. Develop a segmented shot list. Here is an example:
- Introduction
- Introduce yourself
- Describe main focus and objectives
- Describe building system
- Describe ComSOP relevance
- Inspection Process
- Scene 1: Component 1
- Scene 2: Component 2
- Scene 3: Component 3
- Key Takeaways and Closing
NOTE: Depending on the video’s scope, you may also opt to include a segment for inspection items that fall outside the ComSOP (i.e., Beyond the Scope segment). You can incorporate this within the inspection process, but be sure to explicitly mention that the items apply to areas beyond the scope.
- Avoid reading directly off a script. Instead, plan segments to serve as breaks. During these breaks, re-read and rehearse your lines for a natural delivery. Have someone present to check off your segments and scenes. They should be making sure you’re hitting every planned point.
- Film only what you are comfortable and confident in. If unsure, conduct research and prepare a thorough script beforehand.
- Maintain a consistent pace. Avoid talking to quickly. You can incorporate slow hand gestures and focus on your breathing.
- Be thorough. Remember, students are learning from your example, so it’s better to overexplain rather than underexplain. If you’re inspecting multiples of the same item (i.e., four sinks), maintain consistency. Follow the same order and flow for each inspection.
About Segments
Segments in the context of filming refer to distinct sections or scenes of a video. Each segment typically focuses on a specific topic or aspect of the overall content. To create clear transitions between segments verbally, you can use phrases or cues that indicate a shift in topic or direction. Before filming, you should have a complete outline that is broken down into segment. Every segment should note and describe the points you want to hit.
NOTE: Film scene-by-scene. Take pauses and cuts as necessary. Don’t push through a scene if thoughts aren’t flowing on the spot. Segments and scenes will be assembled during editing, so there’s no minimum or maximum time limit for each scene. For example, a scene could be as short as 30 seconds or as long as 5 minutes.
- Introduction to Inspection:
“Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into the inspection process.”
- Transition from Introduction to Inspection:
“Moving forward, let’s take a closer look at each step of the inspection.”
- Transition for Parts of the Inspection (Checklist):
“Now, let’s shift our focus to the first component under inspection.”
“Moving on to the next area of examination, let’s explore [component].”
“Transitioning to our next checkpoint,…”
“Next up in our inspection journey is the assessment of [component].”
“Now that we’ve covered [previous component], let’s move on to the inspection of [next component].”
“With [previous component] inspected, let’s proceed to examine [next component].”
“As we continue our inspection, let’s now turn our focus to [next component].”
- Transition for Inspection Process to Key Takeaways:
“Now that we’ve completed the inspection, let’s summarize the key points to remember.”
“Before we conclude, let’s highlight the key takeaways from our inspection process and common issues reported on.”
“Finally, let’s wrap up with some final thoughts and reminders.”
- Transition from Key Takeaways to Closing:
“As we come to the end of our training, let’s reflect on the ComSOP requirements and what we’ve learned.”
NOTE: These are general examples. Your transitions will depend on the segments and planned inspection points in the video. These transitions will come to you naturally over time, but it’s helpful to plan them out initially.
Key Questions to Answer in Videos
- What is the system or item?
- How does it work?
- Does it have specific applications? (i.e., building type)
- Are there any relevant construction practices that inspectors should be aware of?
- What are the ComSOP requirements for the specific topic to be inspected? State the section and specific elements.
- What aspects lie outside the ComSOP but are considered good practice to inspect?
- What are common issues, defects and items reported?
- What information should be included in your report? Connect the identified issues to the corresponding actions or recommendations in the report, such as immediate repairs, recommended maintenance practices, need for specialty consultants, or the need to use a schedule.
- What are the safety aspects? (i.e., use voltage detector, use 3-point contact, don’t dissemble the unit, etc.) Always prioritize safety, regardless of how basic the precaution may seem.
- Are there any major takeaways or reminders that should be repeated? Remember, people retain information through repetition.
Aligning the Script with Camera Footage
- Plan the shots effectively:
a. Utilize stand-ups: Incorporate moments where you address the camera directly. This is ideal for video intros and closings.
b. Incorporate demos: Use the building and present systems effectively. When discussing specific parts, use gestures or direct attention towards them. Avoid solely relying on stand-up shots in videos discussing inspection processes.
- Coordinate with the videographer:
a. Set-up camera frame. Make sure the camera frame is aligned with the topics you’ll be discussing. Rehearse with your team before each shot. We should clearly see every item you’re referring to. Communicate any movements or gestures you’ll make so the videographer can adjust accordingly.
i. Are the camera angles aligned with your discussion points and the items you’re pointing to?
ii. Does your plan require the videographer to zoom in or out?
iii. Will there be movement during a scene? (i.e., circling a unit or assessing something from high to low)
b. Plan the b-roll. Collaborate with the videographer to plan b-roll footage. This can be captured after each segment or at the video’s conclusion. You can include a close-up of you actively pointing or using a tool to assess something. It doesn’t have to solely focus on a component.
i. What shots are necessary to complement your main footage?
ii. Will you require close-ups or panning shots?
- Pay attention during segment breaks, and any pauses or retakes. Take pauses and cuts if needed. Don’t push through scenes if something isn’t coming to mind on the spot. Think about continuity in your stops and starts. It’s okay to stop mid-segment, just know where you’ll resume from. Think words, standing location, and hand gestures.
Main Types of Videos
- Unit Inspection. This focuses on a single piece of equipment or system. (i.e., hanging gas furnace, electric panel, backflow preventer, roof covering, etc.)
- Subsection of Section 6. This focuses on a particular subsection within Section 6 of the ComSOP. You will exclusively address components outlined within that subsection. For instance, if covering Section 6.5.2 Exterior, only items listed under that section will be discussed, even if other elements like fire access roads (from Section 6.5.12 Life Safety) are visible. Ensure every item under the specific system is mentioned.
- System Inspection. This focuses on inspecting a single system, such as roof or exterior inspection. However, within each system, items from various parts of the ComSOP may be addressed. For instance, while filming exterior inspections, the video may encompass elements from Section 6.5.2 Exterior, Section 6.5.12 Life Safety, and Section 6.5.8 Electrical.
- Whole Building Walk-Through.
a. Wholistic approach. This video follows a quick pace with the instructor pointing out general inventory and issues identified. Generally, no pre-scripted segments. The videographer moves alongside you to capture the continuous flow. It mirrors a real inspection.
b. Planned walk-through. Segments are incorporated deliberately. The videographer may set up a tripod to film specific areas, navigating through different sections and subsections under Section 6 of the ComSOP. Imagine a “Walk-Through Survey System” or “System Inspection” video approach but covering the whole building.
- Script, plan, and organize your segments and scenes.
- Share a Google Sheet outlining your plan with your team. Ensure they follow the plan closely to help you hit all the points in real-time.
- Rehearse your shots with your team before each take.
- Don’t worry over video length or number of takes.
- Pay attention your presentation. Take your time, check your appearance (hair, clothing for stains, wrinkles, etc).
- Verify with videographer periodically that the camera is recording and the sound is on.