CCPIA News - Certified Commercial Property Inspectors Association

BOULDER, Colo. (Oct. 16, 2023) — CCPIA attended InterNACHI’s 2023 Professional Inspectors Convention in Atlantic City over the weekend. This was the first event in the industry to offer an education track specific to commercial property inspection training. The education track was presented by CCPIA instructors Rob Claus, Lance Coffman, Dillon Winiecki, and Britt Treece. The commercial property inspection track had a large turnout, and staff members were able to meet with current CCPIA members, as well as those interested in entering the commercial sector of the industry.

CCPIA’s next event is the Texas Inspectors Convention, where it will host an eight-hour workshop focusing inspecting commercial building systems. The presenter will be Rob Claus. For additional information and to register, visit Commercial Property Inspection Workshop at the Texas Inspectors Convention 2024.

CCPIA also has in-person classes scheduled nationwide. Visit the Commercial Property Inspection Training Calendar for details.

Opening Night Reception Exhibit Hall

Commercial Workshop Presentation

Rob Claus, CCPIA Director of Education and Maggie Aey, CCPIA Executive Director


We’ll see you next year at InterNACHI’s Professional Inspectors Convention in Orlando, Florida in October 2024. We will also be hosting a commercial workshop track and have a booth to help answer any inspection and membership questions. If you’re interested in presenting or have topic recommendations, please email
