As with any business decision, it's always smart to hire the right person for the job.

We specialize in commercial property inspections.

Contact The Kim Inspection

The Kim Inspection


Jungirl Kim is first individual outside of North America to obtain both the CPI® and CMI® (Certified Master Inspector) designations. With 29 years of experience in construction and over 1,000 inspections completed, he is also a Certified Commercial Property Inspector (CCPIA) and a Certified Code Inspector (CCMI). As the representative of InterNACHI® Korea, he is committed to conducting inspections and training future inspectors. In Korea, he is widely known as ‘Inspector Kim.’


Comprehensive Inspections

  • With 29 years of experience and over 1,000 inspections, we deliver detailed assessments tailored for commercial properties.


  • We offer services to commercial property owners, developers, and contractors, focusing on preventive inspections to reduce future costs.

Digital Reporting

  • Our reports include photos and videos, providing clear insights for swift decision-making.

Flexible Availability

  • We primarily serve Seoul and Gyeonggi Province but are available nationwide.


  • Cost Savings: Early detection helps avoid costly repairs.
  • Safety: Ensure your building’s structural integrity and legal compliance.
  • Value: Regular inspections maintain property value and credibility.

The Kim Inspection ensures your commercial property is safe and well-maintained.

서비스 내용
정밀 검사
상업용 건물의 구조적 안정성과 시스템 상태를 꼼꼼히 분석해, 결함을 사전에 발견하여 비용 절감을 도모합니다.

상업용 부동산 소유주와 개발자, 건설업자에게 맞춤형 서비스를 제공하며, 대규모 상업용 시설에도 적합한 검사 서비스를 지원합니다.

디지털 보고 시스템
사진과 동영상이 포함된 디지털 보고서를 통해, 검사의 모든 과정을 투명하게 제공합니다.

유연한 일정
서울 및 경기 지역을 중심으로 전국 어디서든 빠른 대응과 유연한 검사 일정을 제공합니다.

서비스의 장점
비용 절감: 문제를 미리 발견해 고액의 수리비를 방지합니다.
안전성 향상: 건물의 구조적 안전성을 확보하고 법적 요건을 충족시킵니다.
가치 유지: 정기 검사를 통해 건물의 가치를 보호하고, 거래 시 신뢰도를 높입니다.

The Kim Inspection과 함께라면 귀하의 상업용 건물이 더욱 안전하고 효율적으로 관리될 것입니다.

Commercial Building Inspection

Residential Building Inspection

Structural Deficiency Analysis

Electrical and Plumbing System Inspection

Commercial Building Inspection for Buyers

Hospitality Real Estate Inspection

Industrial Building Inspection

Luxury Home Inspection or Estate Inspections

HVAC System Inspection

Energy Efficiency Inspection

Waterproofing and Moisture Issue Inspection

Multifamily Property Inspection

Office Real Estate Inspection

Preventative Maintenance Inspection

Seller Inspections for Commercial Real Estate

Providing Commercial Property Inspection Services in Korea.

I am the only certified inspector in Korea.