As with any business decision, it's always smart to hire the right person for the job.

We specialize in commercial property inspections.

Contact National Fire Door Inspectors

National Fire Door Inspectors

In the years 2019 and 2020, the leaders that created the company now formally known as NFDI were given the opportunity to adjust and inspect a major portion of the doors that failed the NFPA’s13-point inspection at the University Of Nebraska Medical Center. Throughout those 2 years, we inspected, corrected, and maintained over 3,000 failing fire doors for the University. Realizing the importance of the role fire doors play in correlation to human and property safety, JPRZ decided to dedicate and focus our team’s efforts and talents to a vision we believe could save, protect, and serve those who live, work, or heal inside of commercial facilities.


NFDI specializes in organized aligned fire door inspecting.

Fire door inspections

Hospitality Real Estate Inspection

Industrial Building Inspection

Luxury Home Inspection or Estate Inspections

Multifamily Property Inspection

Office Real Estate Inspection

Preventative Maintenance Inspection

Jose Perez

CCPIA Member

Providing Commercial Property Inspection Services Nation Wide.